Shazam now lets you identify music in apps while wearing headphones

Shazam now lets you identify music in apps while wearing headphones

Shazam now lets you identify music while wearing headphones, the Apple-owned company announced this week. All you need to do is open the app, check for the headphone icon to confirm your headphones are connected and then start identifying music playing around you or within apps like TikTok and YouTube. The new update works with both wired and Bluetooth headphones.

Say you’re watching TikTok with headphones and come across a song you like in a video. You can open up the Shazam app, click to Shazam and then head back to TikTok. After a few seconds, the music will stop for a split second and then you can go back to the Shazam app to see the title and artist of the song.

Or, say you’re wearing headphones in a coffeeshop and want to know what song is playing in the café. You can now Shazam the song without having to remove your headphones.

It’s worth noting that Shazam already allowed users to identify songs playing in apps, as it rolled out the ability to identify songs on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok last year. But up until now, you couldn’t do so if you were wearing headphones.

Shazam was founded in 2002 and was acquired by Apple for $400 million in 2017. The app has more than 300 million monthly users globally.

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