Security and Safety in the Online Space: 4 Simple Protection Hacks

Security and Safety in the Online Space: 4 Simple Protection Hacks

Digital innovations and how we interact with them are constantly changing, with our lives quickly becoming more and more interconnected and reliant on digital tools and experiences. Gen Z, the first generation of true digital natives, is now beginning to enter the workforce and contribute to the global economy, marking a significant milestone in the digital age. 

Safety Online

Just as all jobs, interests, and everyday tasks have become interwoven with the digital space, so too has crime. From online banking to buying groceries, anything can open doors for digital theft. That’s why many online businesses value cyber security and invest heavily in it to ensure your safety. These safety procedures often work in the background without you even realising. When visiting a site to learn more about your hobbies, such as searching the Betfair Community posts for the 10 best numbers on roulette or Rotten Tomatoes for films starring your favorite actor, safety procedures and encryptions will be running in the background to keep you safe.

Considering just a few of these simple and easy measures can go a long way in bolstering your online safety and security.

Security and digital information

Passwords are the ultimate key to protecting yourself online. Creating a safe and secure password can take a bit of thought and time, but once you’ve got it memorized, it’ll bring you optimal peace of mind. It isn’t recommended that you write your passwords down, instead, choose one word or phrase (not your name, something only you would remember) and change one character or number whenever the password needs to be varied. 

Passwords should be 8-12 characters in length, include symbols and numbers, and random capitalization. And, most of all, don’t share your passwords with anyone – they’re for your eyes only. 

After logging into a new account on your internet browser, a social media page, or your banking app, a pop-up will ask if the site should remember your username and password for next time. Here, you should always choose the “forget” option. 

This will prevent others from being able to log into your accounts should they get their hands on your device or find their way into your internet browser profile. 

Look out for scam emails and websites 

When looking for information, entertainment, products, or services online, always make sure you’re using an authentic, recognized, and reliable website. This goes hand in hand with recognizing scam emails and messages. Small details, such as the sender’s email address, will let you know that you’re not corresponding with an authentic organization. 

Security and Safety in the Online Space: 4 Simple Protection Hacks

Source: Freepik 

Update your browser and stay safe

Newer versions of internet browsing apps tend to have the most updated security technology to better protect their users. These newer, more updated browsers can better protect you against fake websites, scam emails, and fraud, so whenever you get the opportunity – update, update, update! 

These four tips are easy to remember and act on, but they’ll make a big difference to your online security. You can never be too careful when conducting yourself online, especially in cases where your personal, private information is at stake. 

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